5 Ways You Can Reduce Your Sleepless Nights

Sandy Smith
4 min readOct 19, 2020
Photo by Becca Schultz on Unsplash

We’ve all been there — that time in the middle of the night, where you check the time three minutes after you have checked it the first time. That time where you open your eyes and it’s dark in your room but you are not even the slightest bit tired. Then there is that time when we play the “I have to be up in ‘X’ amount of hours” game — which never ends well.

Some of us are the type that fight sleep, the ones that get frustrated at 2am that you’re wide awake and lay there aggressively shutting your eyes… While others are the wanderers… These are the ones that capitalize on being up in the middle of the night. Maybe this is you, and you get up and wader around the house, write in your journal, scroll on your phone (the #1 worst possible thing you can do…), whatever it is that you do — you’re going to make the most use of your time.

The thing is — we grow up being told to “go to sleep” at certain times. Most of us, as adults, still try to go to sleep at certain times, we stick to a routine. In reality, we can only set the stage for sleep, but we cannot actually force ourselves to “go to sleep”. Actually going to sleep is an easy concept of letting go and peacefully falling into a slumber. However, this is easier said than done for most.

Sleep is important on many levels. Not only does it allow our bodies to restore, rest…



Sandy Smith

As an Institute for Integrative Nutrition certified Health coach and a Certified Personal Trainer —I am here to share my health and wellness knowledge with all!